Choosing Your Niche

by Gily Tenorio on November 17, 2010

in Blogging, Make Money Online

Did you ever wonder how people make money online? It’s also my question before I start doing this kind of business. I consider this a business because sometimes you need to invest money and time to be able to really earn money from it. You know I’m making money online by making website or blogs.

Strictly speaking, if you really want to make money online, you need to have your own website. Period! If you don’t have a website, it is very hard to earn money online. There are other ways to earn money online but you need a large captal like day trading of stocks. Also there are other means that will entice you to earn a big amount of money like HYIP and other scam websites circulating in the Internet.

But the question is how to make a website? Is it hard and I don’t know computer programming? That’s also my question before I made my website. I am not good in computers. I only know how to make an account in Yahoo mail, Gmail or Facebook. Building a website is not for me. I thought it is very complicated.

I tell you honestly, it is easy, not very easy but also not hard. The FIRST step is to choose the “niche” you’re knowledgeable and you like. Niche is your field of interest like your hobby or the job you do. It is what your blog all about. But it should be profitable meaning there are many people searching for that niche and it should be the niche you really like.

I will give you an example, “make money online” is one niche in the Internet that many people search in Google and other search engines. It is very profitable since many people search for it and there are lots of advertisers for that niche.

The first important step to make money online is you need to choose first what is your niche. It may be in gardening, cooking, movies, finance, stocks, job hunting, business tips, how to make money, computer games, movie stars or any other niches people are looking for information. Your niche would be the topics you are good with and you like writing about it. It should be a niche that many people are searching for.

Maybe your question is how do I know how many people are searching for a particular niche or keywords.That’s a good question. You can use free or paid software to do this. In my case, I use Google Keywords Tool to know how many people searches for a certain keywords. Its absolutely free and you are sure for the results because it came from Google itself.

By the way keywords are those words that people type in Google search and other search engines. One very popular keyword I mentioned a while ago is “make money online”. Your keywords should be related to your niche. Meaning, if your niche is “make money online”, your keywords could be “make money by blogging” or “make money by using Facebook”.

In summary, a niche is what your website or blog is all about. Choose a niche of your interest and it should be profitable to really make money online.

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