Five Things to Do if You Cannot Find a Job


Looking and applying for a job can be one of the most difficult and challenging task a person can encounter. Before landing on my first job in a manufacturing company in the Philippines, I struggled many times on getting a job even though I graduated from university.

It is not really easy to get a job especially these days when there are many people are looking and fighting for employment. To make the problem worst, there are many jobless people but few job openings. It is the reason why many people resort in applying for jobs abroad which pays much higher than in the Philippines.

Sometimes it’s hard to think of the things that you should do so that you can find a job. It’s also my problem before when I don’t have a job. You feel helpless and discouraged because it seems that no one would like to hire you. So in this post I would like to give some suggestions and advices of the things that you can do if you cannot still find a job despite of many job applications. Here it goes.

1. Don’t lose hope

Things are happening the way it is because there’s a reason behind that. I don’t believe in accidents, I believe everything happens for a purpose, not based on luck or random chances of nature. However, I cannot give you the right answer why you are not getting any job in spite of your continuous application.

The only thing that I can do now is to guess. There are many reasons why you are not accepted in your job application but one best answer would be you are not fit for the job you are applying. Don’t worry, the time will come when you will be exactly matched for the position of the company you are applying.

You should not stop. If you stop, how can you make the chance to be hired. Keep on sending your resume via the Internet, email or through your networks and friends. Plant the seed now so you can harvest later.

2. Think and do productive things

I know sometimes it’s hard to be productive when you are discouraged because of unemployment. Many people feel powerless and defeated so how can they do productive things?

I think you have other skills that you can utilize, you can start to develop it more, maybe you can also make money out of it. For example, if you know how to play guitar just like me, you should practicing more to learn new skills. If you already knew many things about guitar, you can offer your services to other people who want to learn on playing guitar.

find a job

You can use YouTube to showcase your skills or talent and make an offer to your viewers that you are available for a tutorial one-on-one or in-person with a corresponding fee for the service. There are countless ways on how to develop and earn money from the skills that you have.

In addition, if you have good writing skills, you can offer your service in Freelancer, Fiverr, eLance, oDesk and other websites that hire writers for blogs and websites. Another skills that is very in-demand in the Internet is computer programmers. Just visit the sites above so you can start earning online.

3. Start a business if you can

If you have the capability and resources to start your own business, it would be a better alternative than being employed to a company. Perhaps you’re thinking that you only have a small capital to start a business. You don’t need to worry because you can use it even it is little.

Internet provides the biggest potential for business start-ups. You don’t need a big capital if you can learn how to make business online. Maybe you’re noticing these days many people are selling stuffs through Facebook, Sulit, eBay and Multiply. I suggests you should also do it especially if you have already a product in mind that you can sell. It is not hard to sell online, you only need to create an account so you could start your business.

Although, there are many ups and downs on starting your own business, you should not be afraid to do it especially if you have the supports from your parents and friends. It is a great venture that will give you deeper knowledge and experience about the business you are building and at the same time you can also provide employment to other people.

4. Learn to make money online

As what I said before, Internet provides many opportunities for people who are willing to earn money from the Internet. I am a living example of that. I’ve been earning money online for almost two years now through Google Adsense and other affiliate websites. You can see here my tutorial on how to make money from Google Adsense, just visit the link.

Before going to Korea, I also tried to sell some stuffs in eBay so I knew you could also earn from these methods. However, it is not easy and it requires hard work and patience. I have created a post about how can you start earning from eBay, check it out here.

5. Continue to apply

If you will stop applying, nothing will happen. Your duty is to continuously send your resume to the job openings posted in popular job boards and websites. Never give up, your patience will pay off. I’m sure.

In this tip, perhaps you need to update your resume and make it more appealing and easy to understand. You must start reading and learning on how to properly write a professional resume through some blogs or in YouTube.

You may also try to apply abroad if it allows you to do so. There are many opportunities you can get when you are hired by a foreign company from other country.

It is hard to make a plan on what to do when you don’t have the resources and the encouragement to create one. Unemployment, most of the time, paralyzes us to do the things that we should be doing so that we can get the right job and make us more productive.

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