Giving with a Cheerful Heart


For new readers of this blog, I’m posting topics related to money and Bible occasionally. Here’s why. Giving is not a common thing or popular act to do since most of us are thinking we don’t have anything to give. I tell you all of us can give something and we should do it with a cheerful heart.

“Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. “- 2 Corinthians 9:7 NIV 1984

In this post, I want to tell you that we can give something to other people in many ways and form. From the Bible verse above, one of the best ways to give is to have a cheerful heart. It means giving with happiness without regret. You do not give out of obligation or you are forced just to do so because maybe of pressure from other people.

Another ingredient of cheerful giving is that you planned or you have decided what you will give. It is not just accident that you will give because most of the time it is due to pressure that’s why you will give. If you will give with cheerfulness, you will obey God’s word and you will be assured that God loves you.

In the future, I will post more topics related to money and finance and what the Bible is telling about it. I hope that this post can give you some insights about giving with happiness. How about you, do you give with a cheerful heart? On the other hand, you can start to give now if you still not doing it yet.

You can give your time, money, skills or other resources you have so other people can be helped and empowered. Start giving now, start with your family and relatives. You will be happier and fulfilled if you do so.