How to Create an Online Income


Most of the time, your main job income is not enough for you and your family’s financial needs. There are many factors involved why it is so. For most of us, it is because we have a low salary than our current expenses.

Maybe you are not big spender because you know that it is very hard to earn money these days. It is your low salary that’s why you lack money. Other people are having problem on money even though they have higher salary than the common employee.

Since I started working in 2004, I am fond of looking for ways on how to make money apart from my main job. It is not because my salary is not enough, I’m just happy to earn money even if it is little.

I would like to share to you how I create my online income in the past until now. Basically, there are lots of ways on how to make a second stream income these days. The only thing you should do is just get ideas and carry out those ideas.

Tips on How to Create an Online Income

An online income should be a one that will not take a lot of time to do. Think of a job or business that you can do outside your main job. Maybe you can allot one to three hours a days if your time permits you. I listed here ways which are not the traditional ways, it is more on earning income from the Internet. I believe most employees now are knowledgeable on how to use the Internet and do some stuffs like making emails, signing up for Facebook or Twitter and surfing the net.

1. One good source of online income is selling stuffs in the Internet. There are many websites which you can use for free to sell your stuffs. In 2006, I started to sell some electronic gadgets in eBay. I don’t make a lot of money at that time since I only selling few products with a low markups.

In those time, I am still working in SunPower Philippines, a solar cell manufacturing company based in Binan, Laguna. The process of selling in eBay is simple. You just create an eBay account, choose a product that you can sell, wait for some people who will buy, receive the payment from them and then deliver the product to your buyer.

Today, you can also create an account in Sulit where you can also sell your stuffs or services that you can offer. In the Philippines, I think there are more people now visiting Sulit than eBay so it is better to focus more on selling products in Sulit.

Just a reminder, if you are selling something, make it sure that your product is of good quality so that your buyer will be satisfied and recommend you to their friends and other people. In addition, make your delivery fast and always send them a message that you already delivered the product that they bought.

In the future, I am planning to try affiliate or Internet marketing as another way to make an online income wherein you will sell other people’s products and get a commission from the sale. It could be a digital or physical products, but maybe I’ll focus on physical ones just like selling products from

I’ll post an article in the future if I already starting my affiliate marketing venture. One thing why I like earning income from the Internet is that it gives you income indefinitely and even when your not directly working. The right word is passive income.

2. Another way to create an online income is by making blogs or websites. Maybe you are intimidated by what I said that you should make a website for your second income stream.

Last year, I really want to make money from the Internet that’s why I read many blogs on how to do it. I researched and read how people build blogs and websites and using it to earn money.

At first, it is really challenging since I don’t have any knowledge on making website or even computer programming. I’m not a techie person. I do know how to make emails and create an account in social networks but not building a blog. However, I learned that most blogger are not also computer geeks and even them don’t know how a website is created.

As I continue reading blogs, I finally learned how to start making a website. So in April 2010, I created my first blog using what I learned from the Internet and the blogger I followed. Today, I have six websites in the making and building process. Hopefully, next year, all of my site will give me an income that I don’t need to work for a company. I’ll be working in my own company.

It is my plan to develop and enhance more my computer skills so it would help my website building career, hehe. But as of now, I’m just taking every step slowly so I will learn every aspects on making a website profitable. If you are interested on how to earn from blogs or websites, just continue reading my blog and other blogs teaching how to do it.

3. Another way to make an online income is through day trading of stocks. This way is only for people who are engage in the stock market for a long time and it is their profession for quite sometime.

It is very risky for a newbie person when you make a day trading of stocks and it also requires you to have a big capital before you can make a substantial earnings. Therefore, I suggests you to focus on the first and second ways on creating your online income.



2 thoughts on “How to Create an Online Income

  • July 17, 2012 at 04:37

    Mr. Gil, Thank you very much for inspiring me to create my own website. I have been blogging for almost 6 months now. I am still building up my audience, hoping to earn passive income someday. =)

    • July 17, 2012 at 11:23

      @danecca, Just continue blogging, it will pay off, sometimes it will take months and years..connect with other bloggers, and learn to use keywords in your post.

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