How to Save More Money


Saving is one of the topics I like to write and discuss. Saving money is one important thing all of us should learn and practice.

If you want to save, you should have at least a savings account where will you put a certain amount of money whenever you are receiving your income from your work or business.

It is not hard to have a savings account in the Philippines, actually, it is just simple to apply once you have the complete requirements.

In order to save more money, there are many tips and strategies you can carry out like the following tips I outlined below.

1. Plan your Spending

Planning where you should spend your money is one thing that will help to save more money. If you plan how and where you must spend it, you will avoid buying things you don’t need.

This enter the word budgeting. If you have a budget, you will spend money depending on your set budget. As you learn to spend wisely, the money that will be left will give you chance to save more.

Moreover, by planning your spending, you can control your expenses and gives you more ways to buy quality products that you want.

2. Make more Money

If you have a regular job and you think the salary you are getting is not enough to save money, you can think ways to make more money like selling stuffs in Ebay, Facebook or Sulit; make money online; having a part-time job and setting up a side business.

Time is the one thing you need to consider in making more money. If you have enough time, you can use it to make more money. However, if you don’t have extra time, it is very difficult to look for other ways of earning more money.

3. Live below your means

If you have job and earning P15,000 a month, strive hard and make it a goal to spend below P15,000 so you can save little by doing this. Most people tend to live a lifestyle of buying things so they can show it to other people that they are well off.

When you learn to live below your income, you can save money slowly but surely!

Saving is not really complicated, it just requires patience and discipline. Just go back to the basics of saving money: spend less than what you earn. It is not complicated and doesn’t need math or any thing else, just a pure common sense.

One thought on “How to Save More Money

  • November 13, 2011 at 17:33


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