How to Share Your Blessings This Christmas and Beyond


Christmas is the time of the year when many people receive gifts, Christmas bonus and other bonuses you can imagine. It’s also the time of the year when more people share and give gifts to each other.


Mostly these gifts are in the form of money or material things. However, the best gift that you can give this season is the gift of love through any kind or form. It can be a service to your church or community, volunteering to an organization or your company and offering your talents to the less fortunate people like orphanage.


I would like to give you one recommendation on how you can share your blessings this coming Christmas and the years to come. This may require you several days to decide because it’s a long time commitment but very satisfying to see the result.

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Child Sponsorship through World Vision


What I am talking about is child sponsorship through World Vision. This may not be for all people. However, if you have the capacity to help at least one child through sponsorship, I’ll challenge you to do so.


I started my journey with World Vision last week but I already know World Vision since 2012. During that time, I really want to sponsor a child but never started to because of many obligations we’re facing during those time.


During this year, I had given another opportunity to work again in South Korea so my income will become higher. With this blessing we have, I know this is a good time to start child sponsorship with World Vision.


I talked to my wife about my plan to sponsor a chill and she said there’s no problem. She’s very supportive and I know that she wants also to help because we’ve been also helped by other people during those past years.


In my opinion, sponsoring a child through World Vision is the easiest and most convenient way to help other people when you are abroad. You can help a child and a community at the same time because when you help a child to go to school, you are changing his future for the better and his family and community as well.


What is World Vision?


World Vision is an international organization that helps children to go to school by providing their needs such as school materials, fees and other things a student needs so that he can study and go to school. World Vision also help communities like the ones in Tacloban when typhoon Yolanda hit the Philippines last year.


World Vision helps many people around the world. They do it through the volunteers and sponsors they have. It is like a partnership with the people who want to help other people. They are also recognized organization and transparent with all their financial reports. They are trusted and have been in this kind of organization for a long time.


If you want to know more about World Vision and how can you be a part of changing the future of someone for the better, you can visit their website at In particular, if you want to help children from the Philippines, you can go to their Child sponsorship page to look for a child to sponsor.


If you want to start giving and sharing your blessing, it’s the right time now. You can start at least P600 per month through sponsorship. The mode of giving can be done through bank deposit, PayPal or direct billing from your credit card. You can watch this Youtube video about testimonials of other sponsors:


One quote I read in a Facebook post said, ” You make a living by what you receive but you can make a life by what you give.” It is the giving part that satisfies us the most. God gave His own Son for us so that we can have a best life possible. It is giving that makes our life more meaningful and worthy.

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