How to Spend Your Christmas Bonus the Smart Way


I assumed most of people working for a company have already received their Christmas bonus and 13th month pay. It’s one of the great benefits as an employee.


When I was still working in the Philippines, I eagerly wait for that Christmas bonus to land on my payroll account. Who doesn’t want extra money in his pocket? I don’t know anybody.


Most people have already planned where or how to spend that money. Perhaps, most of you will buy a new gadget like a new smartphone or laptop. Some people may be planning to visit a good vacation place like Boracay or Bohol.


It’s not a bad way to spend your money. It’s cool especially you spend it with your family and friends. However for those of you who want alternatives. You can see some of my suggestions below.

Christmas bonus

1. Pay Off your Debt


It’s the right thing to pay your debt. You should not forget what you owe from someone even if it’s your closest relatives. When you get your bonus, pay immediately your loan. Don’t think twice if you will or not. Just do it.


2. Donate Some to Charity


It is the best time of the year to share your blessings and things you got that other people cannot have. Giving does not only do good things to the recipient but also to the giver of the gift.


There are many charities and non-government organizations that you can share with your Christmas bonus like World Vision, GMA Kapuso Foundation and Red Cross. Actually, I’m planning to sponsor one child next year through World Vision.


I think it is the easiest way to help other people by giving a certain amount of money monthly. Also, there are several methods in which you can choose. It can be via PayPal, Credit card or bank deposit.


3. Start Investing in Mutual Fund


In my opinion, the easiest way to invest is through mutual funds. Most of the big banks in the Philippines have mutual fund services so you can ask your bank about it. If you don’t know anything, I can give you some suggestions based on my experience.


Currently, I’m investing in FAMI mutual funds. I began in 2010 but not regularly putting money, only when I have extra. However, next year, I’m planning to put a regular amount.



You see there are still other ways on which how can you spend your Christmas bonus. Nothing can be best than spending it with your loved ones. Of course, you have to set aside some amount for your own savings or investing plan.


In addition, this time of the year, many people are giving gifts and receiving it at the same time. May we also reflect on these things. The ultimate thing that we can receive this season is the free gift that Jesus Christ is offering to us. The eternal life with Him in heaven. Merry Christmas!



Image by Pixabay

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