My 2012 Blogging Plan

by Gily Tenorio on January 3, 2012

in Blogging, Make Money Online


It’s the beginning of the year 2012. There are many things happened last year, many experiences learned and shared with many people and friends. I thanked God for His blessings to me and my family for the past year and the years to come.

Since it is the start of the new year, I would like to make a future plan for this blog and share it with you through making a post so I could track my progress along the way. I started this blog in April 2010 without knowledge or experience in website design and building or even writing an article. Almost two years have passed and I could say I learned many things through patience and discipline. I also learned a lot from other blogs that I follow and I’m planning to make an article about them in the future.

I want to share you my blogging plan for this year and I hope you will get some knowledge from it. Here are some on the to-do list for this blog and my other blogs as well.

1. Publish a total of 300 posts for this blog

At this moment, the total posts for this blog is only 182. It is very few compared with other blogs who are online for almost two years. So this year, I would ramp up my blog posting for a total of 300 articles. It is not easy to make post because you need to research, create, review and then review again your article before publishing it. It should be reliable, influential, easy-to-understand and as much as possible, SEO-friendly. There are many factors to be considered before posting an article so it will really take time to make a good one unless you want a scrap or trash article.

2. Publish a total of 100 posts each for my other blogs

I do have other blogs aside from FMB. They are in different niches and topics so I cannot post it here in FMB that’s why I made them in separate websites. My target for this year is to make a total of 100 posts per each blog aside from FMB so this will be a busy year for me.

3. $1000 income from Google Adsense per month

My target for this year is to hit $1,000 Google Adsense revenue for all the blogs that I made. I think this achievable because last year I already hit the $800-dollar mark. I’m planning to reach the $1,000 mark or above this year and I wish I’ll stay there. I know this translates to hard work and best SEO strategy for all of my blogs.

4. Utilize other monetization ways

As of now, I uses only Infolinks and Adsense as monetization ways for my blogs but only Adsense gives constant income to me. I’m planning to use more Infolinks and Chitika this year but I need to post more articles to integrate these Adsense alternatives to some of my websites.

5. Build one Amazon affiliate website

Actually, I already have one site that is meant for Amazon affiliate. I already purchased the domain and web hosting last September 2011 but it has no articles yet since I’m busy building other blogs. Hopefully this year, I can start adding articles on that site to slowly building it as an Amazon-affiliate site.

This list is just a short and simple plan for this blog and my other blogs as well that hopefully I could carry out this year. At the end of 2012, I’ll make another post regarding the results of this plan.

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