My First Payment from Chitika

by Gily Tenorio on March 20, 2013

in Blogging, Make Money Online


There are several ways on how to easily earn money from your website or blog. It is true that you can earn a decent income from owning a website. However, the money thing is not an overnight experience. It is not a quick money indeed.

Maybe you know Google Adsense. It is a contextual and image ads that you can see in most of the blogs and websites today. It is probably the most used monetization technique in the planet today because it is easy and simple to implement.

There are other companies much similar to Adsense. One company that I’m experimenting and using as an alternative to Adsense is Chitika which I am using with my other websites.

What is Chitika?

Chitika is a contextual ad company that displays ads on their network of publishers. The word “Chitika” means “in a snap” in the language of South Indian Telugu according to Wikipedia. Below you can see an example snapshot of a Chitika ad in one of my websites.


My First Payment from Chitika

There are few ways on how can you receive your earning from Chitika. In my case, I chose to receive my income via PayPal when my account balance reached $10 USD. The other option is by issuing a check to your name when your balance reaches $50 or more.

In comparison, Google Adsense pays their publishers when the account balance reaches $100 while Infolinks pays at $50 threshold. Anyway, below you can see my first income proof from Chitika.


Final Notes

Chitika is not the best way to earn money, actually the cost per click it has is a way lower than Adsense. Still nothing beats Adsense in terms of earning and cost per click.

However, if you are looking for alternatives and want to diversify your income, Chitika may be a good option to go because you can easily set up and implement it in your website. It also has lower threshold limit for payment through PayPal or check.


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Angelie March 22, 2013 at 11:30

Hi Gil,

I have been following your blog posts recently and been a subscriber to it.

May I know how did you did this with Chitika?


Gil March 24, 2013 at 10:11

Hi Angelie,
First, you must have a website and then apply for Chitika account.


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