My Son Gideon is Blogging!

by Gily Tenorio on April 3, 2016

in Family


I would like to share that my son Gideon is now starting to write in his own blog. His blog is all about Lego. He likes it very much and he’s making his own Lego toy through imagination and creativity.

If you want to see some oh his creations, you can visit it in There are several pictures that you can see and some posts where he explains how he did it.

I’m not sure why he started a blog but what I remembered is that he’s asking me how to make or write in a blog. I see that he was interested and told him that we can make one for his interest, Lego.


I see some benefits of this. First, he will be trained to compose a sentence or paragraph in English. My son is not so good in sentence structure so I think he will learn more how to write good sentence as he write more in his blog. I’m telling him that he needs to write at least 150 words. It must be broken down into several paragraphs where each one must be at least 2 or 3 sentences.

Another one, it will increase his creativity and imagination because he will create more Lego from scratch without any manual or tutorials. After completing his work, he will tell how he formed his new Lego creation and he will be able to tell anybody what his creation is and its functions.

I see the good side of playing with Lego. It increases your patience and creativity especially for kids who have short strings.

How about you? What are you building right now? Do you have any hobbies that increases your creativity and imagination? Please share.

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