My Story of Child Sponsorship through World Vision

by Gily Tenorio on March 8, 2016

in Helping Other, Personal Development


I encountered World Vision few years ago before deciding to sponsor one child in December 2014. At this moment, it’s been 14 months after I started sponsorship. It is really my desire to help other children to have a better life through continuous education. This is my first time to give other people because I and my wife always give some portion of our income to our parents (both parties) every month.

Our giving to our parents comes from our desire to honor them for what have they have done in our lives. As also commanded by the Bible to honor thy father and thy mother, we just follow it through giving.

Child sponsorship is not new to me because some of my cousins were also sponsored by other people from Norway when they are still studying. There is a foundation in the Philippines through the help of Norwegian sponsors that help kids to finance their school needs.


I remember this because every time my cousin wants to send letter to her sponsor, she always goes to me to ask my help checking her letter written in English. It happens regularly, like once in every 2 months.

The concept of sponsorship is not difficult to understand. Basically, you give some amount of money to World Vision every month and then they will take care all of the school needs of the kid. OK, maybe you’re thinking how can you be sure that the money will be given to your sponsored child? The answer simply boils down to trust.

You give the money and you just trust that World Vision will honestly do it. I trust World Vision because they are one of the pioneers of child sponsorship and not only that, they are also helping communities, places struck by disasters and calamities and also dissemination of education and health education to communities.

My sponsored child lives in Batangas who came from low-income family. He has still his both parents living but their income is not enough to sustain their daily needs and school expenses of their children. Their house is located in farmland where his father works for other people. Every now and then, basically once per quarter, World Vision sends me some news and updates about the child I’m sponsoring. The information is about his school performance and his achievements.

Sometimes, the kid also send me letter telling me what’s happening in his life. Because of rules set by World Vision, I cannot send letter or gifts directly to my sponsored child. It is the same with other sponsors as well not only me. The reason behind this is to avoid the occurrence of child trafficking and abuse by evil persons who have vile motives to children.

When I learned this, I didn’t understand why they set a rule like that but I realized it is for the child’s protection. Thus, if I will send gifts or letters to him, I need to send it first to WV and after that they will send it to my sponsored kid.

If you want to make a long-term commitment as a child sponsor, you may still help WV by giving one-time donation. You can visit their website to start giving your donation.

Why Sponsor a Child?

Like WV statement, I think it is the best way to help the child in her overall needs, not only her education. It is actually a holistic approach because WV also helps the community of the child you sponsored. How can they do it?
With your gift of at least P600 per sponsored child, this money will be pooled to other sponsor’s donation and it will be used to finance the educational needs of the child and the community projects they have created.

As you can see, this approach of World Vision is a great model of helping the children. You and WV do not only help the child get out from poverty but also her family and the community where the child lives. It makes sense right? It would be pointless helping only the child and ignore the needs of her neighbors.

How Sponsoring Works?

To give you an idea how sponsoring works, here’s a good video from World Vision explaining their approach. It is systematic and self-sustainable. It is like teaching people how to fish and not only giving them the fish.


What Can You Expect as a Child Sponsor?

As a child sponsor, World Vision will help you create a one-on-one relationship with the child you’re helping as well as her family. Within the first seven days of your sponsorship, you’ll receive a welcome kit from WV. It will provide you information about your sponsored child.

From my experience, last year I have received the report card of the child showing his grades got from different periods. Along with the report card, his photo and a letter were sent to me. You know, I have not realized that it is almost more than a year that I’m sponsoring a child but the impact in his life is big.

How Much does it Cost?

Like what I have said earlier, it will only cost you P600 per month to sponsor a child. It may be less than your monthly budget for your phone’s load.

The process is not complicated. For me, I made an automatic payment to World Vision using PayPal every end of the month so I don’t need to go to the bank and also not to forget about my donation. It is easy these days to donate if you have the means. You may also give through bank deposit if you do not have credit card.

You have also the options who will your sponsor and the place where he lives. If, for instance, you want a girl living in Capiz, you can sponsor one child from there. I think you will not be limited by World Vision about this. Just call or email them regarding your concerns and they will respond to your queries.

In addition, you may also change the frequency of your giving. It can be monthly (for P600), quarterly (P1800), semi-annually (P3600) or annually (P7200). You can choose which one will be comfortable to you depending on your preference and budget.

How to Start Sponsoring a Child?

If you are fully decided and committed to sponsor a child, you can go to World Vision’s website to start helping a child. I will tell you, you will not regret it. Along the way, you will feel the joy of giving. For me, I did not expect anything or what I will get. Like the Bible says, you reap what you sow; this time is the sowing season. You sow generosity, and then you will also reap generosity. That’s simple to understand.

If you have credit card, it is better to apply for a PayPal account and use it for your donation. It is easy to apply for one by visiting to their site and from there you will know the procedure. You can set your giving to WV in auto-mode by using PayPal.

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