Our Trip to Busan Aquarium

by Gily Tenorio on October 23, 2011

in Other Stuff, Personal Finance


Yesterday, October 22, 2011, our family went to Busan Aquarium, the largest aquarium in South Korea. Even though it’s a rainy day, we decided to continue our trip because we don’t have another available time to go there since my parents-in-law will be returning back to Philippines next Saturday. We can only go out together during Saturday because I have to work from Monday to Friday, Sunday will be going to the church and a rest day for us. By the way, my parents-in-law visited us here in Korea and they will spend one month here until next week.

I say our visit is a good one in Busan Aquarium even the weather is not good because of heavy rain. My son, Gideon, enjoyed very much the aquarium and to see the different kinds of animals living in the sea which came from different places in the world. Actually, this is our second time to visit the aquarium because we’ve there three years ago. I think there’s not much difference since our first visit.

Entrance Fee of Busan Aquarium

There are many people yesterday maybe because it is Saturday, a day-out for many people and families. We paid a total of KRW 81,000 for all of us. The breakdown is ad follows:

2 Adults - KRW 36,000 (18,000 for every adult)

2 Senior Citizens (aged 65 year olds and above) - KRW 32,000 (16,000 for each person)

1 Child - KRW 13,000


How to Go to Busan Aquarium?

I think the easiest way to get there is by riding the subway station. It is in the Line 2 Green and you should drop down at Haeundae station and walk approximately 10 minutes from the station to go there. You don’t need to worry about the location because there are many maps in Haeundae station so you can easily spot where to go. You should exit at No. 3 or 5 if you will go to Busan Aquarium.

If you want to learn more information about Busan Aquarium and you’re planning to go there with your family and friends, you can visit their official site here: http://www.busanaquarium.com/eng/f_main.html


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