The 8 Traits Successful People Have in Common by Richard St. John

by Gily Tenorio on May 7, 2013

in Personal Development


Are you successful in your field? Do you want to be successful in life or the career that you have? Being successful is subjective since it has different meaning depending on the person you’re asking.

I want to be successful someday by following these 8 traits. I found a video about how to be successful in any field of career you may have which is very much align on what the Bible teaches about success.

The video presentation is from Richard St. John, the best selling author and TED Talks presenter. He wrote a book about his interviews on more that 500 successful people in the world including popular persons such as Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey, Michael Jordan, and many more.

Here’s the video and I hope you like it.



My thoughts about this video:

1. Passion

I need to figure out the thing I’m passionate about and start from there. Maybe it is in writing, music or creating something new (invention)?

In some people, it might be helping other people, teaching or building a new business. Passion is the thing that you would love to do even you’re not paid.

2. Work Hard

This should be obvious for every successful people. I don’t know if there are successful people who are lazy. Working hard is very essential to be successful in any career you have.

3. Focus

All successful people know how to focus their time and resources on the things they are passionate about. They are great in only one thing, not in many things but some people would be exempted from this.

4. Push

Most of the time, you will have fear, resentment and procrastination to do your passion because of many obstacle and hardships. I think for me to be successful, I need to push more my working habits and sharpen my skills and learning capabilities.

5. Ideas

Successful people have great ideas and they carried out those ideas so that other people may benefit. I need to think and create ideas that people would love.

6. Improve

It is important to improve any existing systems, ideas and inventions. We need to innovate and align those ideas in our current environment and what the people need in our present time.

7. Serve

If you know how to serve people, you will be successful and great. Even Jesus, tell this to his disciples that those who want to be the greatest in heaven should be the servant of all.

8. Persist

Successful people also fails but they don’t stop and they never give up. Remember Thomas Edison when he was working with the light bulb. He failed many times but he didn’t give up and now we have light bulbs in our home.

Perseverance is a trait that cannot be earned instantly. It is a fruit of many trials and hardships. Persist until the end and you will reap a sweet harvest.


Do you want to be successful in any field you are in right now? These 8 traits will surely help you to achieve success in the near future.


About the Author:

GilGil Tenorio is a blogger, a husband, a father, and an active Christian. He likes playing guitar, C.S. Lewis, Plants and Zombies and NBA. Follow him at Facebook, Google+, YouTube and Twitter. Thanks!

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