Why I Will Vote for Bro. Eddie Villanueva and Why You Should Too

by Gily Tenorio on May 2, 2013

in Current Events


This post is my own view about Bro. Eddie Villanueva. I may influence you but still you are the one who will decide at the end.

The election is approaching fast, only 11 days to go. Perhaps you have already decided which candidates you will vote for the senator and local positions.

I’m sad that I cannot vote this coming election because I’m here in Korea and I wasn’t able to register for Overseas Absentee voting because our place is very far from Seoul. And you know, the process of registration is not easy. Hopefully Comelec will devise a better and easier system on Absentee voting in the future.


Anyhow, my first on the list of senatoriables is Bro. Eddie Villanueva. I campaigned for Bro. Eddie when he ran for President in 2004 on 100% free voluntarism. Me and my other family members campaigned for him without any payment. The money we used during that time for buying our food and campaign T-shirt came from our own pocket.


Maybe you won’t believe but I tell you, it’s true and many other people can give you their own testimonies about the “money” thing. The volunteers are the one who buy their own food, shirt and other things needed for the campaign.

Why they are doing these things? Because they believe that if we want genuine change in this country, we need a candidate that cannot be bought by money from the rich people of the land. We need to spend money for the right candidate.

The volunteers believe that the money they spend is worth paying for the advocacy of Bro. Eddie and the Bangon Pilipinas party. Bro. Eddie is not the same as other candidates because he doesn’t have enough money to pay for the volunteers and spend millions of pesos on TV ads.

That’s a short story of my past experience about the election. Here’s the reasons why I will vote for Bro. Eddie Villanueva and why you should too.


1. He’s a servant leader.

Bro. Eddie proved his leadership as a JIL leader for more than 30 years. He walked what he preached. He’s not a type of leader who abused his followers, did you read or heard any bad news about him?


2. He’s a moral leader and transformer.

What our country needs these days is a leader who can be a good model for our fellow country men and the young generations. Will you vote for a candidate who is separated from his or her spouse, drunkard, corrupt or womanizer?


3. He’s very competent.

He has a good track record and very competent for the job as senator because he was a regent of PUP before and a student of law in UP but he didn’t finished because of the martial law era.


4. He has deep love for the country.

I have never met Bro. Eddie in the past. I don’t know him personally. However, I’m wondering why he chose to stay in his home in Bocaue, Bulacan for many years and never transfered to better places in the country like Forbes, Corinthian or maybe settled in the US?

If he really wants, he can do it because of his many followers who can give him the money or he can get the money from the church just like any other leaders of other religions.

The reason is that he doesn’t love the money. He loves God and our country instead, he prefer to use the money on other things. Actually, when he was a regent of PUP, he didn’t receive any compensation. Instead, he used the money for the scholarships of some students.


5. He’s a good influencer.

I heard him talk about love for the country during his “Miting de Avance” in 2004 for his presidential bid. His speech will really awaken your spirit and the love for the country if you have the chance to hear him in the TV.


That’s my five (5) reasons why I will vote for Bro. Eddie. I hope and pray that he win this coming election. Our country desperately need a man like him.
If you want to learn more about the advocacy and platform of Bro. Eddie and the Bangon Pilipinas party, you can see it here.

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