Currently viewing the tag: "my blog was featured in wise bread"

I’m very happy to announce that two (2) of my posts were featured in Wise Bread, second top personal finance blogs on the web today. If you don’t know much about Wise Bread, you can visit their website for more info. Anyway, here are the articles where my posts were featured:

I have never expected the inclusion of my articles and I think this is the first time that a top finance blog featured my articles in their site after my two years of blogging. I have learned many things along the way and still learning new stuffs as the days passed by.

I’m actually contemplating why these 2 articles were featured and what makes it stand out from the others. In my assessment, here are some of the factors why these 2 posts were chosen and be included in Wise Bread.

1. Unique and good quality content

Without a doubt, my articles are unique and good quality that’s why it is noticed and included by Wise Bread in their blog. I think they will not put any post on their site that is poorly written and low quality since they also need to protect their image and help their readers to find good solution to their problems.

2. Helps readers to make good decisions

Helping other people and readers is the greatest concern of this blog. It is the reason why this site exists to give you information and ideas on the smart way to manage and grow your money. Through the experiences and knowledge I shared in this blog, I hope it will help you to make wise decisions about your finances.

3. Clear and straight to the point

Clarity in writing financial articles is very important so that your readers will not be lost on the way. It should also be straight to the point without any unclear messages or clutter of advertisements that might distract their reading and comprehension of your post.

4. Encourages readers to be positive in life

Our world is full of negative thoughts, news, and activities that make us worry, doubt and be fearful of the future. Through the articles I’m writing, I wish to give hope, encouragement, learning and new good ideas to my visitors and regular readers of this blog. Let’s be more positive and influence other people.

5. Solve common problems

One of the articles that was featured entitled ” How to Choose the Best Credit Card” lists the characteristics of the best credit card that you should look for. It solves the common problems of many people who are applying for a credit because most of them don’t have the idea which one to choose from many cards available in the market.