About This Blog


Welcome to Learn Financial Education! Thank you for the visit. Hello there! My name is Gily Tenorio, blogger of this site.


I’m not a financial planner or a financial guru that you might think. I’m just a common people writing topics about my experience related to personal finance, saving money, investing in stocks and mutual funds, financial management, how to make money online and other topics related to finance.

What is Learn Financial Education Blog?

Learn Financial Education is a blog containing free source of information on financial education that is focused on saving, investing and making money. LFE will strive to help you achieve your goals in life and enjoy it to the fullest by giving you knowledge on sound financial management, renewed minds on dealing with money and right decisions concerning investments.

I started this blog way back in April 2010. During that time, I am thinking on how to help my fellow OFW and Filipinos who are looking for information on saving money, investing, doing business, increasing their income and other things related to finance.

My Life Story

I grew up in a poor family. My father is a plumber and my mother is a housewife. But through God’s grace, I was blessed to graduate in the best university in the Philippines. I graduated college in 2003 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Metallurgical Engineering from University of the Philippines Diliman Campus and passed my board exam in August 2004.

I got my first job in a manufacturing company in the Philippines in August 2004 until 2007. The job I had in my first company was nice but really tiring and I cannot stay longer on a shifting schedule of work.

Right now, I am currently working as a Piping Design Engineer here in South Korea since 2007 but wishing to return in the Philippines sooner to start my own company.

During the recession of 2008, I’ve almost lost my job due to the cutting down of employees. Since that time, I realized the importance of having a savings and then begun learning how to save and make more money, invests in stocks, mutual funds, online business and other several investments.

If you want to learn more about my life and journey, you can visit this blog regularly and follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and YouTube.