Personal Finance

Every year, I’m writing post regarding where you can invest your Christmas bonus and 13th month pay. Some people maybe wondering how can they spend their extra money and they don’t have no idea where to put it. Small or big amount of bonus can be used to a more meaningful way on how to […]

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Is it possible to earn money even when you’re sleeping? Perhaps, you already know that income can be classified as active and passive income. Active income is the one you get from your job as an employee of a company or doing your own business. If you don’t work, you will get not paid. However, […]

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Hello there! It’s been a long time. Christmas is fast approaching and many people have high hopes of getting bigger bonus and 13th month pay. Perhaps, you have already planned what to do with the money that you will get. Other people maybe still thinking how to spend their bonus. Actually, it is not difficult […]

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Perhaps, some of you are looking for FREE ways to learn financial education without spending any pesos or dollar but you want it like in a classroom where there’s a teacher or instructor. Though there are lots of ways to learn personal finance, attending seminars is one of the most effective and gives the most […]

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Christmas is the time of the year when many people receive gifts, Christmas bonus and other bonuses you can imagine. It’s also the time of the year when more people share and give gifts to each other.   Mostly these gifts are in the form of money or material things. However, the best gift that […]

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I assumed most of people working for a company have already received their Christmas bonus and 13th month pay. It’s one of the great benefits as an employee.   When I was still working in the Philippines, I eagerly wait for that Christmas bonus to land on my payroll account. Who doesn’t want extra money […]

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I’ve been blogging about personal finance and saving money for quite few years now. Many readers may find it difficult to save money because of various reasons. When I am starting to save money, I have also the same experience. One author I remembered said, everything is hard before it is easy. It is much […]

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It’s been months since I posted in this blog and I feel I’m a newbie blogger. It’s hard to compose sentences when you stopped writing for a long time. Anyway, it’s good to be back here in this site. For almost a year, I don’t have a regular income. My family relied on the income […]

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Many family counselors said that money and financial matters is one of the reasons why husband and wife fight or quarrel to each other. Indeed, money can be a problem if you don’t have rules on how to use and spend it.   I believe that money in itself is not evil. It is the […]

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All of us spend money on almost everything. We buy our own food, pay our utility bills, and spend money on some vacations, entertainment and so on. Spending and overspending money are two different things. It’s OK to spend money especially on our basic needs. However, overspending is not good and most of the time, […]

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