This Blog is Already 7 Years Old and Counting

by Gily Tenorio on June 1, 2017

in Blogging


I have started this blog in April 2010 in South Korea. I’m not a good writer before making this blog and it is not actually an easy task to do.

I’m thankful to God that He allowed me to learn this blogging thing because I know I helped some people along the way through the articles I have written in the past 7 years.

This post is my 396th article as I’ve seen in my WordPress dashboard. It is a long journey and I plan to continue this blog as long as I can.

Here’s my very first post in this blog if you are curious on what it is and how I wrote it.

What I have learned in starting this blog is that it is not important how do you start, what counts is that you continue writing and learning things along the way.

I do not know how to make a blog from the beginning.

Through perseverance and the opportunity to learn, I have made a blog from scratch by reading other blogs and websites. You can actually learn most of the things in this world through the Internet.

How about you? Did you start something in the past years that you still continue doing until this time?

Can you share what are worthy things that you still continuing up to this day that you have started in the last few years?

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