My First Music Recording

by Gily Tenorio on July 14, 2012

in Other Stuff


Maybe you don’t know that I’m a musician. I play guitar, bass guitar, ukulele and flute (sometimes). I have started playing guitar since 1st year high school but only during my 3rd year I became serious learning how to play guitar.

I was involved in Rondalla of our school, Marcelo H. del Pilar High School during my time there. It was one of my very good memories during my high school days. By the way, a Rondalla is a group of people playing string instruments like guitar, bass, octavina and banduria.

Though this blog is about finance, occasionally, I’m writing articles not related to money because this blog is not all about money. This blog is also my personal blog where I write topics about the events and happenings in my life that I would like to share with my readers and visitors.

My First Music Recording

Lately, I have discovered a free tool in the Internet that can record almost all audio. It is called Audacity. You can download it for free and it is very easy to use. I have been studying its potential and features because I want to record some music and audio recordings about my blog posts.

free audio recording software


Last week, I have recorded my first podcast about how to make a blog and earn money from it. However, I cannot upload the MP3 file because it exceeded the maximum size for uploading. In the future, I’m sure I can upload it so you can listen to my first ever podcast.

It is in MP3 format so you can listen to it anywhere you are using your phone or MP3 player. Anyway, here’s my two alternatives for you since I cannot upload that file. These 2 MP3 below are my first music recording using my acoustic guitar recorded here in Geoje, South Korea.

Solitude of the Heart

Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.

Gideon Sleeping

Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.

Download Here

If you want to download the MP3, click the link below and then a new window will appear. Right click with your mouse and the click the “Save as” tab to download as MP3. Enjoy!

Solitude of the Heart

Gideon Sleeping

I used my computer and a web cam with microphone for recording these MP3 together with the free software Audacity. I hope you’ll enjoy my music! It is an acoustic instrumental.

Just A Note

If you want to record your own music, download first Audacity to your computer. After that, you have to download another file to convert your audio or music to MP3. It is the LAME MP3 encoder which you can also download here.

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About the Author:

GilGil Tenorio is a blogger, a husband, a father, and an active Christian. He likes playing guitar, C.S. Lewis, Plants and Zombies and NBA. Follow him at Facebook, Google+, YouTube and Twitter. Thanks!


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