
Blogging has grown so much in the past years. More and more blogs are created now than 10 years ago. It is easier now to build a blog or website from scratch than before. Most people who make blogs write about their personal experience and skills they learned and acquired. That’s why it is more […]

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I have started this blog in April 2010 in South Korea. I’m not a good writer before making this blog and it is not actually an easy task to do. I’m thankful to God that He allowed me to learn this blogging thing because I know I helped some people along the way through the […]

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There are several ways on how to easily earn money from your website or blog. It is true that you can earn a decent income from owning a website. However, the money thing is not an overnight experience. It is not a quick money indeed. Maybe you know Google Adsense. It is a contextual and […]

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Are you looking for tips on how to write a good blog post? Actually, around the web there are tons of information on how you can write good articles for your blog. Some of the blogger pay to acquire information about blogging and how to build it from ground up. It is not bad after […]

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Do you want to start your own blog? A blog which you can use for personal or business purposes? If you want to know the basics of blogging, you need the step-by-step procedure on how to build your own blog from scratch. If you’re newbie, starting a blog can be intimidating because of the many […]

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It has been more than 2 years since I started blogging. I begun designing this blog from the free WordPress theme available in the Internet. Actually, there are many free themes that you can download and use it in your blog. Some are great looking and some are not. However, I have decided several months […]

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I have been blogging for more than 2 years as of this writing and I could say it gives many benefits based on my experience. A blog is a kind of website that is updated almost every day by posting article(s) related to the topic or niche of the blog or sometimes based on the […]

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If you are a regular visitor of this blog for quite sometime, you may have noticed that most of the articles being published in this blog are related to money and personal finance. It is the reason why the title of this blog is “Financial Management Blog”. It is very obvious that I am tackling […]

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Occasionally, I’m writing topics related to blogging and how to improve your blog to make it more professional and reader-friendly. I’m also discussing the things I’ve learned so far about blogging and how to make money from it. I’ve been using WordPress as a blogging platform since April 2010, more than 2 years now but […]

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Hi just a quick announcement here. Today, I have received my first payment from Infolinks. For those of you who don’t know what is Infolinks, here’s a short description from Wikipedia: Infolinks is an online advertising company that provides in-text advertising services to website owners worldwide. Below you can see the snapshot of Infolinks. Maybe […]

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