
Owning a business may be the dream of many people because they want to be like the famous entrepreneur of this country. “Business” seems to be good to hear but it entails many hardships particularly if you will start your business from scratch.   I don’t want to discourage aspiring entrepreneurs but you should know […]

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Almost 2 weeks ago, I registered my first-established business at Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) in City of Malolos. It’s my first time also to visit the office of DTI. I’m impressed with DTI because of the fast and convenient service they are giving to their clients. Only few people are inside the office […]

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The Business I Want to Start

by Gily Tenorio on September 26, 2012

in Business

It has been my dream to build a business that can improve the life of the people. At this moment, I don’t know what kind of business is that. However, lately, I’m pretty much interested in starting a tech company for creating something useful. I’m engineer by profession so I think it will be better […]

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Just a quick post about Jollibee stock price. Last Thursday, when I opened my Citiseconline account, I’m not surprised that Jolibee Food Corporation (JFC) will be at P103+ per share. If you read my previous post, I mentioned there that this is one of the Philippine stocks I’m planning to invest this year because I […]

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Food business is a lucrative but highly competitive business venture especially in the Philippines. You will realize what I’m saying if you go to shopping malls and public markets. It is profitable business once you established the system and you have been known by people for quite sometime. If you’re an OFW or an employee […]

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Being an Overseas Filipino Worker (OFW) is not an easy occupation as you think it might be. I know this one because I have been an OFW for more than four years. There are lots of sacrifices and hardships you will encounter as you work abroad, away from your families and loved ones. We know […]

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In my previous article about franchising a business in the Philippines, I outlined some topics about the advantages and disadvantages of owning a business through franchising. There are lots of available choices when you want to start a business, you could begin with your own knowledge and hard-work or you could try a established and […]

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One way to grow and multiply the money you have is by building a business. Almost all big companies, started from a small business in the past that became so profitable and well-known. Just to name a few, you can see that in Jollibee and SM. Nowadays, there are two ways to begin a business: […]

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Most of us know the basics in how to make money: get a good job that pays high or establish a good business. Sometimes we limit our thinking only to these ways. As I search and study financial management, I encountered many blogs discussing topics about how to make more money particularly on how to […]

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