What Course to Take Up in College

by Gily Tenorio on February 21, 2012

in College


Graduation day is coming nearer and many high school students are still undecided what course to take up in college. Perhaps, many of them still don’t know if they could go in college because of poverty and many factors that they cannot control.

In addition, you probably know that there are many college graduates who can’t get a job after finishing college because of over supply and competition and few job opportunities in the Philippines. This scenario is one of the causes why there are many Overseas Filipino Workers who are risking their lives and family’s welfare just to get a decent job abroad.

There exists also a stiff competitions among the universities where you graduated and it’s been harder for you to land a job if you came from unpopular school. We cannot ignore these facts are happening and we should be able to make a plan so that you can get a job right after your graduation.

I hope this article will help you to decide which course to choose and give you some insights or ideas on some of my recommended courses to take up in college. Please take note that this article is not a professional advice. This post is written for information purposes only.

1. Engineering

First on the list is engineering. Our country needs more engineer in different industries. Even other countries want Filipino engineers to work for their companies. There is a lot of job opportunities in engineering. Maybe you’re asking which one to select because there are many types of engineering.

I’m a licensed metallurgical engineer. Perhaps, you don’t know or heard that there is such a kind of engineering. Basically, it is a branch of engineering that deals with the processing of metals from the mining site, processing and manufacturing these metals to be used by other industries.

If you ask me whether will I recommend this, from the scale of 10 (the highest), I will say 8. Metallurgical engineers are in demand here and abroad where there are many mining sites in countries like Philippines, Australia and some countries in Africa. Other branches of engineering will be also a good option. You can choose mechanical, electrical, civil, or chemical engineering as what you deem suited for your preference.

2. Information Technology

Computers and Internet will stay until the end of the ages. It is a vital component of everyday life. From home to business places, computer and information technology take some of the primary role in carrying out major tasks.

If you are still undecided which course to take up in college, I would recommend to take info-tech-related courses such as computer engineering, computer science, programming, website design, and other computer courses. There are huge opportunities in these courses in the Philippines and abroad.

You may also build your own company in case you cannot get a job from IT companies. As a computer programmer, you can offer your services to businesses and people who want to learn computers, how to make a website, troubleshooting of their computer problems and many more you could ever imagine.

3. Agriculture

This course maybe one of the unpopular courses in college because of the wrong notion about agriculture especially in the Philippines where most of the farmers are poor. However, in my opinion, agriculture is a great career to take up in college especially for students who came from families with big land properties that can be used for farming.

There are also many universities offering agriculture courses in the country such as the University of the Philippines Los Banos campus and the Central Luzon State University. If you are interested to take up agriculture, you can visit their websites to learn more the specific details you are looking for.

4. Medicine

Our country needs more doctors. We lack the supply for doctors because some of them are going abroad to look for a “greener pasture” outside the Philippines. On the other hand, some students want to take up medicine but cannot do so because of the expensive cost of going to this course.

If you’re can afford to pay for the tuition and expenses for this course, you should grab this opportunity and choose to take up medicine. After you graduated, you are very valuable for other people and for the whole country as well.

Finally, I would like to say that these courses I listed is not a guarantee that you will be successful in life or get a job immediately after graduation. However, it will help you to go to the right path and avoid the over supply of professionals that universities are producing.


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