Why Jollibee is a Good Company to Invest In

by Gily Tenorio on February 25, 2012

in Business, Stocks


Just a quick post about Jollibee stock price. Last Thursday, when I opened my Citiseconline account, I’m not surprised that Jolibee Food Corporation (JFC) will be at P103+ per share. If you read my previous post, I mentioned there that this is one of the Philippine stocks I’m planning to invest this year because I saw the big potential for this stock.

Currently, I am still waiting for the majority of the stocks to go down before I buy. In addition, at the moment, I don’t have that big amount to buy the stocks I like. Perhaps before this year ends, I can buy again all the five stocks I’m planning to invest in.

Maybe, you already know that Jollibee is the largest fast food chain in the Philippines and it is continuously expanding by building more stores here and abroad. JFC has several stores in China, US, Middle East, Hong Kong and other Asian countries.

I believe this company will steadily grow in the future so buying its stock today will be a good investing strategy. It also pays dividend which can be a passive income especially when you acquired larger amount of shares.

1. Good business system

One reason why JFC is continuously growing: proven business system that is very hard to copy. Probably you have notice that a Jollibee store doesn’t need many professionals to do its business. A store manager and a team of part-time working students are just needed to run a store. It is a simple but very hard-to-copy business system.

JFC have also developed a system that every store and restaurant they owned should follow so that they will maintain and improve the quality of their products and services. It is the reason why the taste of every hamburger and Chicken Joy should be the same for all stores.

2. Market leader

JFC is the number one fast food restaurant in the Philippines. It has the most number of stores than any other companies like McDonald’s or Goldilocks.

It also continue to innovate and introduce new products and concepts to its customers, one of the reasons why it is the leader in the fast food industry in the country.


3. Continuous expansion

There are more and more Jollibee stores that are being built every year here in the Philippines and in other countries as well. It is continuously expanding because of great demands from customers and investors.

It also offers business franchising to people who want to put up a store of their own. Actually, many of the Jollibee stores are owned by franchisors and other corporations.

4. Acquisition of profitable business

If you can’t beat them, buy them. This is one of the strategies JFC is doing with its competitor. The recent acquisition of Mang Inasal and Burger King is a good example of this business strategy.

Most of the time it is better to buy an established business rather than start building your business from scratch. Not only Mang Inasal was acquired by Jollibee, other restaurants were also bought by JFC on varying percentage of ownership such as Greenwich, Red Ribbon, and Chowking.

5. Increasing and growing customers

One best strategy of JFC to increase its customers is through advertising their products to the children. Have you ever noticed almost all Filipino kids know Jollibee? Look at their ads on TV and newspaper, you will see that it has a “kid-in-us” approach.

Many customers are very satisfied with the products and services Jollibee is offering. When you eat at any store, you will be happy on how they serve their customers. It is fast and efficient.

If you are seriously considering to invest in Philippines stocks, I personally recommend to buy Jollibee because it has strong foundation, good business system, customers are growing every year and they have continuous innovation and expansion.

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clueh May 13, 2013 at 19:12

may i know what is stockbroker account?

Gily Tenorio May 14, 2013 at 12:53

A stock broker account is an account you need in order to buy and sell stocks by yourself through the Internet.

Chin Chin April 16, 2013 at 01:26

Hi, readers! =)
You can check Philippine Stock Exchange’s Market Education website: http://www.pseacademy.com.ph to learn more about investing in the Philippine stock market. Thanks!

Nino May 17, 2012 at 07:52

I want to invest in Jollibee also but dont know how. any ideas?

Gil May 17, 2012 at 12:58

Hi Nino,

You should open a stockbroker account first and then you can buy Jollibee.

Malik March 13, 2012 at 20:04

I want to invest money. any suggestions?

learnfe March 16, 2012 at 13:42

Hi try mutual funds first or if you have more money, try opening a stock broker account.

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