Bible and Money

This post is somewhat irrelevant to money topics. However, this blog is not all about money. There are many things in this world more important than money. Don’t get me wrong, money is important. But it is not all about money. We are living in this generation when many people forget to honor their parents […]

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Occasionally, I’m posting topics related to Bible, personal finance and money. Here’s why I’m doing this. I would like to point out in this post about the Bible verse below: Lazy hands make a man poor, but diligent hands bring wealth. —Proverbs 10:4 The Bible clearly teaches that lazy people cannot be and will not […]

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Sometimes, I’m writing topics related to Bible and money. Here’s the reason why I’m doing this kind of post. There are many poor people in our country. We can see them in our community or even in our own family and clan. Poverty is one of the biggest problems in the Philippines. The gap between […]

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I am a firm believer that the Bible has given to us to teach us what to do in our life. It has been the standard I have obeyed in my life since I became Christian. Sometimes, I’m writing topics related to what the Bible is teaching about money and finance. Here’s the reason why. […]

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Occasionally, I’m writing an article about Bible-related topics focusing on personal finance, self-improvement, business, debt and money. Here’s why. Poor people have special place in the heart of God. But does it mean that God wants us to be poor in terms of financial aspect? Let’s see what the bible teaches about being poor and being […]

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Occasionally, I’m writing an article about Bible-related topics focusing on personal finance, self-improvement, business, debt and money. Here’s why. In chemistry, viscosity is defined as the property of a liquid in resistance to flow. As an example, water has low viscosity while honey has high viscosity. When you pour water into a cup, it will […]

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For new readers of this blog, I’m posting topics related to money and Bible occasionally. Here’s why. Giving is not a common thing or popular act to do since most of us are thinking we don’t have anything to give. I tell you all of us can give something and we should do it with a […]

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One of the missions of this blog is to teach people specifically my avid readers to effectively manage their money. Without financial planning and management, no one can take good care of his or her finances. One source of knowledge and wisdom about money and finance can be found in the Bible. There’s only one […]

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Love of Money

by Gily Tenorio on January 28, 2011

in Bible and Money

Do you know people who said that they don’t want money or in the opposite, they love money? In my view, money alone is not good or bad, it depends on the way how you acted upon money, that’s the time it become good or bad. The Bible tells us something about money, in particular […]

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