
I’ve been blogging about personal finance and saving money for quite few years now. Many readers may find it difficult to save money because of various reasons. When I am starting to save money, I have also the same experience. One author I remembered said, everything is hard before it is easy. It is much […]

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Hello, I just want to share a good video about saving money from a very popular TV show in the Philippines, “Kapuso Mo, Jessica Soho”. Perhaps some of you may already watched this but it is good to watch again to give you inspiration to set aside even small amount of money.   You can […]

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I learned the importance of saving money since I was young and started saving some coins before I begun studying elementary. As I grew older, I realized more how valuable saving money is and how I can save little by little from the income that I’m receiving. I believe many people also knows the importance […]

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How to Start Saving

by Gily Tenorio on March 1, 2011

in Saving

Many financial books and blogs in the Internet discusses about how to save, why to save and what to do with your saving. It is also one of my favorite topics here in my blog. Actually, before I do not know that saving is very important. I remembered when I was still a kid, I […]

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The Best Ways to Save Money

by Gily Tenorio on January 29, 2011

in Saving

Basically, almost all finance books discussing personal finance on saving money have in common. They have the same advices and principles for its readers. For example, in saving money, most books discusses how income, expenses and saving should be allocated. Authors may give many tips and ways on how to save money. Actually, there are […]

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How to Save More Money

by Gily Tenorio on January 7, 2011

in Saving

Saving is one of the topics I like to write and discuss. Saving money is one important thing all of us should learn and practice. If you want to save, you should have at least a savings account where will you put a certain amount of money whenever you are receiving your income from your […]

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I believe what the Bible says about teaching our children on what they need to learn as early as possible. As a parent, you need to teach them the proper values as they grow up. I have only one son and I know that its hard sometimes to teach him because I’m not eager to. […]

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Many people are in the habit of earn and spend-it-all attitude. Saving money is not really an important part in the financial allocation of their salary. I admit I’m one of them before but now I realized how important saving money is. Learning how to save money is difficult if you don’t have the discipline […]

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