Spam Blog

by Gily Tenorio on July 9, 2010

in Other Stuff


Today, while I browsing my article in Google search about RCBC savings and checking account , I found a spam blog that copied my post in Ezine article. It is an exact copy but there are words changed and if you read it you will be annoyed by the unrelated words used by the spammer. I don’t know if this is a software generated spam blog or there’s a real person behind it.

From Wikipedia, a spam blog, sometimes referred to by the neologism splog, is a blog which the author uses to promote affiliated websites, to increase the search engine rankings of associated sites or to simply sell links/ads. The purpose of a splog can be to increase the PageRank or backlink portfolio of affiliate websites, to artificially inflate paid ad impressions from visitors (see MFA-blogs), and/or use the blog as a link outlet to sell links or get new sites indexed. Splogs are blogs where the articles are fake, and are only created for search engine spamming.

Here’s the copy of the spam blog:

How to Apply For RCBC Savings & Checking Account in the Philippines

July 9th, 2010 | Author: cashbackcards

Rizal Commercial cyberbanking Corporation or RCBC is one of the accepted banks in the Philippines endemic by Yuchengco Group of Companies (YGC). Just like BPI and BDO, it offers telephone, adaptable and online banking. It is a affiliate of BancNet, a accepted coffer alignment in the Philippines. It has abounding branches about the country and offers acceptable cyberbanking services. back aperture a accumulation or blockage annual in RCBC, you charge to do the afterward procedures.

1. Choose aboriginal what RCBC annex will you activity to accessible an account.

2. Always accompany brawl pen back aperture a coffer annual back you charge to fill-up appliance forms. Most of the time, there’s no brawl pen accessible in the coffer or there’s a brawl pen but there’s no ink advancing out of it. It is bigger to be ready.

3. accompany complete requirements back aperture RCBC coffer account. These includes:

* Two (2) 1×1 ID picture

* Two (2) Valid IDs and photocopies(can be SSS ID, GSIS ID, PRC ID, Passport, Driver’s License, Postal ID or added ID issued by government)

For foreigners, you charge to accompany your authorization and Alien Registration card for faster approval.

* Billing statements and 2 photocopies (these can be Meralco bill, Water annual bill, buzz bill, cellphone bill or acclaim card bill or any bill annual with your name or your parents and address)

* Money for antecedent drop – It is appropriate to accept an antecedent drop according to advancement antithesis to abstain fees later.

4. Proceed to new annual board aloft accession in the bank. coffer administrator will accord you appliance forms; ample it up with the appropriate abstracts completely.

5. accord your antecedent drop forth with the appliance forms and requirements to the coffer officer.

6. Wait for 3-5 cyberbanking canicule afore accepting your passbook or ATM card. Ask the coffer administrator back you can get it to be sure.

Did you understand this spam blog?

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Eric Lee July 9, 2010 at 09:14


I would like to put a link to your site on my blog roll if you want to do the same for mine. It would be a good way to build up both of our readerships.

thank you.

Gil July 9, 2010 at 14:20

Hi. Ok I will add your site to my links.
please add mine also:
anchor text: Learn Financial Education

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