
Credit card debt is a common concern for many people who have not managed their finances as well as they could have or who are facing financial hardship due to the loss of a job or an unexpected emergency sapping funds. Credit card debt can be a real worry, but need not lead to bankruptcy. […]


How to Get Out of Debt

by Gily Tenorio on November 30, 2010

in Debt

Debt is a common problem of many people nowadays. Debt can destroy relationship, family or friendship. If one person is in debt, he is just like a slave of his debt. No one wants to be slave of somebody or anything. Right? However, that’s the sad truth about the situation of a person in debt. […]

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Updated: July 28, 2011 Do you have debt? I think most of people have debt or had been in debt before. If you’re in debt, I think is your responsibility to pay for it faithfully. Even the Philippine government has debt because of budget deficit, the government needs to borrow money from domestic or foreign […]

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